Memo To:   All Buffalo Retired Teachers
From:         Philip Rumore, President, BTF
Date:          December 2, 2019

Subject:     Updates

You Are Amazing
Thanks to you, hundreds of families not only had food for Thanksgiving, but also hundreds of families will receive food in the upcoming weeks. As always, food is picked-up for distribution by The Community Action Organization, Buffalo City Mission, The Gloria Parks Community Center, Native American Community Services, Fulgham Family Foundation and Women for Human Rights and Dignity.

An initial list of the schools who brought food is as follows; D’Youville Porter Campus #3, BEST School #6, Hillery Park #27, Bilingual Center #33, International School #45, School #48@39, Adult Learning Center #46, George Blackman ECC #54, Roosevelt Academy #65, Houghton Academy #69, Lorraine Elementary #72, Herman Badillo #76, Southside Elementary #93, Harvey Austin #97, South Park HS #206, Lafayette International #207, Leonardo daVinci #212, Emerson HS #302, Hutch Tech #304, Middle Early College #335 Bioinformatics School #366, and The Buffalo Teacher Center, #910.

A special thank you to the students from Hutch Tech who came over to help pack the food on Monday, November 25, 2019 and helped take the food to the charities trucks and cars on Tuesday, November 26, 2019.

More to follow in the next Provocator (Click Here).

This was one of our most successful food drives, as you will see in the Provocator.

Thank you again.

School Safety Survey
If you haven’t completed the school safety survey, please do so. The District is counting on a low response to undermine its validity.

Time to Complete IEP’s, etc.
Questions have arisen relating to time for teachers to complete IEP’s.

As per the contract, you must receive the following (this is not a suggestions. This is what is required under the contract).

Please also note the new language relating to integrating a student into the general education setting.
Article XXIII I. (pg. 42-43)

I.    Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).
By first using the resources available in the school and other resources if deemed necessary and authorized by the District, the District shall provide planning time for teachers to complete the Individualized Education Plan (IEP) forms. It is understood that such planning time may be full or half days of released time when classes are otherwise in session. When the Committee on Special Education (CSE) meets to review the case of a referred child, the referring teacher will be sent notice of the meeting. By first using the resources available in  the school and other resources if deemed necessary and authorized by the District, the referring teacher will be permitted to attend meetings of the committee. The process of integrating a student with a disability into the general education setting shall include conferences between the referring teacher and the receiving teacher. The teacher designated to participate when a student’s initial classification and/or level of service is before the Committee on Special Education, shall have a vote at the CSE meeting if said vote is permitted by applicable State and Federal regulations.

Absurd Caseloads/Extraneous Tasks
If you haven’t submitted the information from the October 10, 2019 correspondence, please do now. Please send the information to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Please list extraneous duties assigned that adversely impact the time available to perform your student support services.

