News and Alerts

2023-2024 School Year

May 16, 2024
Union Position on Breaking Up Fights
After hearing BOE President Belton-Cottman’s comments at last night’s Board meeting regarding the Federation’s position on physical intervention during altercations between students, I am compelled to reiterate our position... (Read More)


February 6, 2024
School Budgets
There seems to be confusion relating to the approval of your school’s budget. Please remember that teachers have a say in the approval of their school-based budgets. We encourage our members... (Read More)


February 6, 2024
School Budgets
There has been much discussion about both the District’s 2024-25 budget as well as school-based budgets. While some administrators have told teachers about potential reductions-in-force within buildings... (Read More)

January 26, 2024
Fix Tier 6
We need your help! One of the biggest legislative priorities for the BTF and NYSUT is bringing equity to the later tiers of the New York State Teachers’ Retirement System. This especially includes Tier 6, but also Tier 5... (Read More)
January 24, 2024
Data Breach
We were very recently informed that a data breach of MOVEit file transfer software occurred between May 27 and May 30, 2023... (Read More)
January 18, 2024
Insurance Waiver Payment
We have received inquiries regarding the insurance waiver paid to teachers who do not take health insurance from the District. There are two distinct types of waiver payments, the Waiver Incentive and the Waiver Pool. With the new contract... (Read More)
January 10, 2024
Supplemental Benefits
In December, the trustees of the Supplemental Benefit Fund voted unanimously to make significant increases to the dental and optical benefits that teachers... (Read More)
January 4, 2024
Highmark Letter Regarding Immediate Care
Some members have received a letter from Highmark stating WNY Immediate Care is no longer in their BC/BSWNY provider network. We reached out to the BPS Benefits Office for an explanation. (Read More)
December 6, 2023
Seaching Six Classes and Unassigned Preparation Periods
As the practice of assigning a 6th class to secondary academic teachers continues throughout Buffalo Public Schools, we want to provide guidance regarding scheduling and your... (Read More)
December 5, 2023
School Safety
At our November Council of Delegates meeting, a question was raised about buzzing visitors into school buildings. We asked the Superintendent to clarify the District’s policy on visitors requesting entry into buildings. Please click HERE to view the District’s updated visitor policy.
November 29, 2023
Class Overage Payments
How are class size overage determined in an Integrated Co-Teaching classroom? The question of how Article IX (Class Size) of the BTF contract applies to Integrated Co-Teaching Classrooms has been a dispute between the District and (Read More)
November 28, 2023
Severe Weather Conditions (Snow Days)
Due to the severe weather conditions that some parts of WNY received, several teachers have called the BTF asking if they need to use a personal day if inclement weather precludes them from getting to work... (Read More)
October 30, 2023
School Violence
In recent weeks, there has been a marked increase in reports from teachers of violence in our schools. Incidents range from raucous crowds of students... (Read More)
2022-2023 School Year

July 28, 2023
Payroll Update
I just met with the head of Payroll. Supplemental checks for the difference of what you should have been paid today will be directly deposited on Monday 07/31/2023 into... (Read More)
June 30, 2023
With Heartfelt Thanks
Words can never express my deep heartfelt feelings of appreciation for your cards, emails, phone calls, office visits and your expressions of well-wishing at the supermarket… not only now but through my years with you... (Read More)
June 26, 2023
As per our previous correspondence, transfers will be available to all teachers since the schedules at all schools have changed... (Read More)
June 22, 2023
Solidarity Day Reminder
As always, tomorrow, June 23, 2023, we will join together to demonstrate our indomitable solidarity and support for each other and our students by wearing something... (Read More)
June 20, 2023
The Attacks Continue - Anti-Union Correspondence
Those who hate unions, who organize to fight for workers and communities, are, again, attempting to break our solidarity by sending anti-union correspondence to teachers and others. (Click Here)
June 6, 2023
2023 BTF Runoff Election Results
The Election results are in from Survey & Ballot Systems. Please see the attached, certified document that came in this afternoon. (Click Here) Congratulations to the winners!l
June 7, 2023
June 2023 President's Report
June 6, 2023
2023 BTF Runoff Election Results
The Election results are in from Survey & Ballot Systems. Please see the attached, certified document that came in this afternoon. (Click Here) Congratulations to the winners!l
June 1, 2023
Retro pay will be in a separate check. The District is working on the payments. As soon as we receive more information, it will be forwarded to you... (Click Here)
May 23, 2023
Schedule Change
In an attempt to prevent confusion resulting from any teacher transfers this year, the BTF and District have agreed to the following... (Click Here)
May 18, 2023
2023 BTF Officers Election Results
AsThe Election results are in from Survey & Ballot Systems. Please see the attached (Click Here), certified document that came in this afternoon. Congratulations to the winners!l
May 12, 2023
Online Voting Election Ends Tuesday, May 16, 2023
If you have not voted yet, please vote this weekend in our 2023 BTF Officers Election. Thank you to the 1,483 teachers who have voted as of midnight May 10, 2023.
May 11, 2023
“Three Bell” - Schools Starting/Ending Time Changes
As you may have heard, last evening the Board was presented with a proposed “Three Bell” / Schools Starting and Ending Time Change proposal... (Click Here)
May 8, 2023
Salaries, School Calendar, Eve Shippens
The Buffalo Teachers Federation has once again partnered with Survey & Ballot Systems (SBS) to administer the BTF Officers Election 2023... (Click Here)
May 4, 2023
It's Time To Join Or Make Changes to Your - SICK LEAVE BANK ENROLLMENT
May 4, 2023
Online Voting Election News: Login Information
The Buffalo Teachers Federation has once again partnered with Survey & Ballot Systems (SBS) to administer the BTF Officers Election 2023... (Click Here)
May 2, 2023
Proposed 2023-2024 School Calendar
In reference to the two proposed 2023-2024 school calendars you received (Click Here), since the next scheduled Council of Delegates meeting is also the event at which we honor... (Click Here)
April 27, 2023
2023-2024 School Calendar Correspondence
April 25, 2023
Contract Ratification
Thank you to all those who waited in line for over two (2) hours to vote. The paper ballot requirement was voted on and approved by the Council of Delegates... (Click Here)
April 24, 2023
Ratification Vote
The vote on the ratification of the proposed contract was as follows... (Click Here)
April 17, 2023
Negotiations Update
We have scheduled an additional negotiating session for tomorrow, Tuesday, April 18, 2023. Our goal is to have a contract proposal completed this week for your approval next week. Stay Tuned.
April 13, 2023
Negotiations Update
As per our correspondence before the recess, the district is preparing its response to our latest proposals. The District has thus far agreed to one date, April 21, 2023... (Click Here)
March 30, 2023
Negotiations Update
In response to inquiries relating to retiree healthcare for current teachers who retire after ratification of a contract, the Board’s proposal is that current teachers and their spouses and eligible dependents.... (Click Here)
March 29, 2023
Negotiations Update
As per our last correspondence (March 24, 2023), the District is preparing written responses to the issues in our last negotiating session. We.... (Click Here)
March 24, 2023
Negotiations Update
Yesterday, we met with the District into the evening. The Board has been asked to provide input so that we can proceed. As soon as that is conveyed to us, we will meet.... (Click Here)
March 16, 2023
There seems to be confusion relating to the District going public with negotiation proposals. First, you should know any agreements proposed by the District are considered... (Click Here)
March 1, 2023
Upcoming - BTF Retirement Seminar
The Buffalo Teachers Federation is offering its annual retirement seminar for all persons considering retirement. Your spouse is also invited.. (Click Here)
March 1, 2023
Negotiations / Albany
We made substantial progress in negotiations with the Superintendent present. As such, we have added a date for negotiations:.. (Click Here)
March 1, 2023
Negotiations Update
Today, both sides agreed that in addition to our already scheduled March 7, 2023 negotiating date, we would add March 13, 2023, with the goal of having negotiations complete or almost completed... (Click Here)
February 15, 2023
Negotiations Confusion
There seems to be some confusion relating to our recent email. The items listed under the District’s March 17, 2022 submission contained in our February 2, 2023 email... (Click Here)
February 15, 2023
Negotiations Updates
Yesterday’s negotiations was focused on the issues on which we are close to agreement and on those that both sides sought to work to solve... (Click Here)
February 9, 2023
Negotiations – Updates
As per our previous correspondence to you, both teams met today to review and discuss the Fact-Finder’s report to ensure there were no misunderstandings... (Click Here)
February 7, 2023
Highmark BC/BS Problem
As many of you are aware, there have been recent issues with BPS’s third-party administrator, Highmark denying insurance coverage for services and medication that should... (Click Here)
February 6, 2023
Negotiations / Fact Finding Votes / BPO - Updated Information
Thank you for taking the time to vote. We apologize to those who asked for more time; however, we wanted to have a vote so that we could resume negotiations... (Click Here)
February 2, 2023
Vote on Fact-Finder’s Report – February 2, 2023 / Thank You Superintendent Williams
There still seems to be some confusion on the rejection of the Fact-Finder’s report. As was stated previously, we will be resuming negotiations with the... (Click Here)
January 24, 2023
BTF Billboards
BTF has purchased four billboards which are up and located throughout the City of Buffalo. The billboards (Click Here) will inform the public as to why the Buffalo teachers... (Click Here)
January 18, 2023
Problems with Highmark Blue Cross/Blue Shield Coverage
As you may know, the problems that many had in receiving required coverage under Highmark BC/BS involved organizations in addition to the Buffalo Teachers Federation... (Click Here)
January 17, 2023
Negotiations, Highmark BC/BS Problems, Wallet Cards
We submitted our documents to the Fact-Finder on 1/13/2023. It included updated statistics on the District’s excellent current and future financial... (Click Here)
January 11, 2023
Updates – January 11, 2023 – Negotiations, Highmark BC/BS Problems, Wallet Cards
As per our last correspondence, the BTF and District will be submitting documentation required by the Fact-Finder on Friday, January 13, 2023. Unless he has... (Click Here)
January 4, 2023
Negotiations Update - Highmark BC/BS Coverage
The BTF negotiating team, including Peter Applebee, our NYSUT Financial Analyst, met with the Fact-Finder and the District’s team. The Fact-Finder presented both sides... (Click Here)
December 15, 2022
Negotiations Update - Highmark BC/BS Coverage
The BTF negotiating team, including Peter Applebee, our NYSUT Financial Analyst, met with the Fact-Finder and the District’s team... (Click Here)
December 15, 2022
Recently Passed Legislation – School Bus Schedules
Teachers are angry and insulted that you passed legislation that would attempt to render a section of our contract with the District null and void... (Click Here)
December 14, 2022
Update - December 14, 2022
Thank you to those who expressed wishes for a speedy recovery for our fiscal witness from Albany. He is still ill, but recovering from his severe case of COVID... (Click Here)
December 12, 2022
We were notified this morning that our fiscal expert from NYSUT/Albany who was to testify tomorrow, December 13, 2022, on the financial condition of the District... (Click Here)
December 8, 2022
Negotiations – 12/8/2022
With Superintendent Tonja M. Williams at negotiations, the negotiating team agrees that there was significant movement made today and... (Click Here)
December 5, 2022
Vote of No Confidence
The vote of No Confidence for Superintendent Dr. Tonja Williams and the Board of Education was as follows:... (Click Here)
December 2, 2022
District Press Conference – Vote of No Confidence
Teachers are rightly angered by the District’s Press Conference and their attempt to disparage teachers who have endured three (3) years of District delays, as well as insulting... (Click Here)
November 29, 2022
Negotiations / Vote of No Confidence
As per our November 20, 2022 correspondence, “Our next scheduled date for negotiations is Monday, November 28, 2022. If there is no significant movement made, there will be a vote of No Confidence for the Superintendent and Board... (Click Here)
November 20, 2022
Snow Day - Updates
The Superintendent contacted us in reference to the cancelled negotiations to advise us that the District is committed to continuing negotiations... (Click Here)
November 14, 2022
The Superintendent contacted us in reference to the cancelled negotiations to advise us that the District is committed to continuing negotiations... (Click Here)
November 9, 2022
We received notification at 8:37 a.m. today (November 9, 2022) that “the District is cancelling negotiations today.” The District needed... (Click Here)
November 7, 2022
Negotiations Update
As scheduled, today we met with the District’s negotiating team, responded to and clarified the proposals. We will meet again on November 9... (Click Here)
October 31, 2022
November Executive Committee and Council of Delegates Meeting Date Change
We have had numerous requests to change the November meeting date because the previous date was scheduled to be the day before Veterans Day... (Click Here)
October 28, 2022
BTF PAC Endorsements and Recommendations -
Click Here
October 25, 2022
Vote of No Confidences
Since there was positive movement with the Superintendent present at negotiations today, the vote of no confidence scheduled for today is rescheduled to Thursday, November... (Click Here)
October 21, 2022
October 21, 2022 Updates
The vote on the District’s Transportation/Bell-Time MOU that was conducted from October 14, 2022 to October 20, 2022 is as follows...  (Click Here)
October 19, 2022
Picketing Today
In response to concerns, if the weather is bad and outside picketing is problematic, teachers who still want to attend the Board meeting should plan to arrive at 5:00 and proceed the meeting room/auditorium. The meeting starts at 5:30. We will still be there at 4:00 today. We will reschedule if necessary. 
October 18, 2022
Updates – October 18, 2022
We have received a copy of the District’s submission to the Fact-Finder. We and our colleagues at NYSUT are reviewing it. Since the submission date was changed from October 7 to October 14, 2022, the date the Fact-Finder has set for the submission of rebuttals and clarifying materials... (Click Here)
October 14, 2022
Negotiations Update – October 14, 2022 / School Safety Surveys
At today’s meeting, we clarified issues. The District also agreed to present a comprehensive salary/benefits proposal at our next scheduled meeting on October 25, 2022... (Click Here)
October 12, 2022
As per our Friday, October 7, 2022 email, there was sufficient progress with the Superintendent present at our negotiations that we are postponing a possible... (Click Here)
October 7, 2022
Negotiations Update
With the Superintendent present, we made sufficient progress to delay a vote of no confidence in the Superintendent and Board... (Click Here)
October 5, 2022
Negotiations Update 10.5.22
The Fact-Finder has agreed to meet as a mediator on Friday, October 7, 2022 from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm. We will be meeting virtually since he is out of the country. (Click Here)
October 3, 2022
Negotiations Update
To view the latest Correspondence to Superintendent Williams, Nathaniel Kuzma, and the Board of Education regarding Negotiations. (Click Here)
September 30, 2022
Negotiations Update
The District has responded to our request for dates to continue negotiations during the fact-finding process. They suggested October 5 or October 7, 2022... (Read More)
September 29, 2022
As a result of the Fact-Finder increasing what he would like submitted on October 7, 2022, we have updated our submission and will resend it to... (Read More)
September 26, 2022
Latest BTF Salary/Compensation Proposal
As per the request of teachers, attached, please find a copy of the BTF Salary/Compensation proposals submitted to the District on May 6, 2022... (Read More)
September 23, 2022
In spite of a threat of severe thunderstorms, once again, Buffalo teachers, in one of our largest solidarity rallies, showed the Superintendent, Board and public that Buffalo teachers are united... (Read More)
September 19, 2022
Your authorization of the enclosed threat is but another example of insulting, pathetic and detrimental actions. Based on the enclosed from the WBEN websited... (Read More)
September 16, 2022
We have sent correspondence to the Superintendent again, indicating that we are willing to set some dates to negotiate issues that we have discussed... (Read More)
September 9, 2022
Negotiations/Transportation Bell-Time MOU
I have not signed the insane (I’m being kind) Transportation Bell-Time MOU. Indeed, we have, today, filed charges with the Public Employment Relations Board (PERB) against the District. (Read More)
September 7, 2022
Schedule Changes BTF Response
Attached, please find a copy of our response to the District’s Transportation/Bell-Time MOU. Yes, we are taking legal action and Yes, we will detail our reasons to those who ask. (Click Here)
September 6, 2022
Negotiations/Starting and Ending Time Change
First, as the new school year begins, while you are hardly ever told, you are remarkable. In the face of all the obstacles, insults, and lack of support, you put your... (Read More)
September 2, 2022
You Sent the Message - Now They Must Listen
As always, Buffalo teachers demonstrated solidarity second to none! Thousands of teachers picketed together at their schools throughout the District... (Read More)
September 1, 2022
Correspondence of Superintendent and Board – Attempt to Prevent Teacher Input
Attached please find correspondence sent to Superintendent and Board relating to the attempt to prevent me, as your President... (Read More)
2021-2022 School Year
August 30, 2022
Special Board Meeting August 31, 2022
We have just learned that there will be a Special Board of Education Meeting. It will apparently be to ratify the Engineers’ contract. (Read More)
August 25, 2022
Correspondence of Superintendent and Board - October ??!!
Today during the virtual meeting with the Fact-Finder, we were informed by Nathaniel Kuzma that the District could not be ready to submit documents for Fact-Finding... (Read More)
August 23, 2022
Solidarity Rally
As discussed, the timing of our solidarity rally provides short notice; however, the date was picked to reflect the strategic timeline we establish. It was also picked... (Read More)
August 22, 2022
As per our August 12, 2022 email, our actions will be timed to achieve the maximum impact - too soon is too often forgotten losing its impact... (Read More)
August 18, 2022
Remember the Fact-Finder’s report is not binding on either side. Once it is released, each side will take a position on its contents and negotiations will resume. It will be made public... (Read More)
August 17, 2022
Appointment of Fact Finder
We received correspondence today naming a Fact Finder for our negotiations. His name is Robert J Reden. The correspondence states “May we remind you... (Read More)
August 16, 2022
We are awaiting a response from PERB relating to our correspondence relating to the timeline for the appointment of a Fact-Finder... (Read More)
August 12, 2022
We have corresponded with PERB for a timeline for the appointment of a Fact-Finder for our negotiations. We had previously been advised that there are similar delays across N.Y.S due ... (Read More)
August 9, 2022
Yes, we are still awaiting the appointment of a PERB Fact-Finder. We believe it is going to be soon. We are ready. Today we continued interviews with media (see WUTV 29) ... (Read More)
July 29, 2022
Buffalo Retired Teachers - Health Insurance
The article in the Buffalo News has created confusion and concern. My complete quote was not printed. The District is attempting to remove retiree... (Read More)
July 28, 2022
Oppressive Heat
We continue to receive concerns relating to students and staff enduring oppressive and dangerous heat in summer school (while some offices are air-conditioned... (Read More)
July 26, 2022 - Updates (Click Here)
July 22, 2022
Update Negotiations, District Personal Cell Phone Information, SBF
We are still awaiting the appointment of a PERB Fact-finder. As you know, we are ready to proceed to show just how far Buffalo teachers are behind our colleagues and how much funding we... (Read More)
July 21, 2022
Student Code of Conduct
The district is looking for increased feedback on revising the Code of Conduct. We want to make sure that teachers have a voice in the revision. We have attached a flyer detailing the... (Read More)
July 15, 2022
Extended Pay Plan
Teachers that have their Extended Pay deposited into their bank account should now have their money in their account. If your... (Read More)
July 11, 2022
We are awaiting the assignment of the PERB-appointed Fact-Finder. As soon as the Fact-Finder is assigned, we will schedule... (Read More)
June 23, 2022
Negotiations Update
As expected, at negotiations today (June 23, 2022) with the PERB mediator, the District requested that PERB appoint what is referred to as a Fact-Finder. Correspondence... (Read More)
June 21, 2022
June 21, 2022 Updates
As per our last correspondence, we are scheduled to meet with the PERB mediator on Thursday, June 23, 2022. We have had numerous concerns raised by... (Read More)
June 17, 2022
Negotiations Media
These will begin to appear this weekend on the Buffalo News website/platform. The large one, when opened... (Read More)
June 14, 2022
Update - June 14, 2022
The Council of Delegates passed the following motion unanimously. MOVED: That the BTF Council of Delegates authorizes the... (Read More)
June 10, 2022
Negotiations Update
The District today, again, refused to provide a counter proposal to our May 6, 2022 salary proposal. As you know, we have already filed an Improper Practice... (Read More)
June 8, 2022
Negotiations – Improper Practice Filed
The District, despite our three (3) Improper Practice charges, has continued to not only delay negotiations, but has now refused to negotiate salaries, etc... (Read More)
June 6, 2022
School Safety - Negotiations - Inventory of Equipment
In light of the tragic murders that have and continue to take place and all that you have had to face recently, we wanted to give you another... (Read More)
June 3, 2022
BTF Unity Rally – Thank You – A Student Speaks Out
Thank you to all those who attended our unity rally despite the occasional few drops of rain now and then... (Read More)
June 1, 2022
Student Device Inventory – Map for Rally
We have sent correspondence to the Superintendent that not only is the District’s demand that teachers inventory all student devices in addition... (Read More)
June 1, 2022
We Must and Will Show We Are United and Demand Action
Our Unity Rally will not only include Buffalo teachers but also other educational staff from Buffalo and a few from surrounding... (Read More)
May 25, 2022
In case you have not received notification relating to entering schools... (Click Here)
May 24, 2022
US History and Government Regents Exam Cancellation
May 20, 2022
Food Drive – Negotiations
We understand that the amount of food being sent to help the community as a result of the murders on May 14, 2022 has slowed down... (Read More)
May 19, 2022
Update – Thursday, May 19, 2022
As you know from our last correspondence/Press Release, “We call upon the media and all who care about the truth to, instead of referring... (Read More)
May 16, 2022
May 14, 2022 Murders
To believe that violence and murder, yes murder, born out of racism and hatred can’t happen here, is not only a denial of reality, but a formulalease click on the link to view a Press Release sent out by Phil Rumore. (Click Here)
May 15, 2022
Press Release
Please click on the link to view a Press Release sent out by Phil Rumore.olice. (Click Here)
May 13, 2022
District Hires “Truth Police” – We Don’t Trust You
To: District Employees      From: Buffalo School District      Re: We Don’t Trust you. We need to hire outside truth police. (Read More)
May 10, 2022
May 10, 2022 Update
At our last negotiating session (May 9, 2022) the District advised us that rather than presenting a counter proposal to our May 6, 2022 proposal, they wanted to have the PERB... << Read More >>
May 9, 2022
As per our last update, we have received a new District contract proposal. While it is not near what we expect, there was movement. Its financial aspects are being evaluated... << Read More >>
May 4, 2022
As per our briefing at the Council of Delegates meeting, there was enough improvement in the District’s offer to agree to continue negotiations. While the offer was not acceptable... << Read More >>
April 25, 2022
April 21, 2022
At negotiations today, with the PERB mediator, the District indicated that there would be modifications to their insulting and degrading March 17, 2022 contact proposals... << Read More >>
April 19, 2022
Solidarity Rally Reminder – Negotiations
Tomorrow, we will be demonstrating our unbroken Solidarity and Anger with the Board’s insulting and degrading contract proposals as well as its contract delays... << Read More >>
April 8, 2022
2022-2023 School Calendar MOU
Attached is a copy of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) that, with one positive addition, reflects the school calendar (Calendar A... << Read More >>
April 7, 2022
Desperate Calls for Help / BTF Solidarity Rally
Thank you to those who have already made a commitment to help the Ukrainian people, who are enduring devastation and seeing the death of family members, and thousands of fellow... << Read More >>
March 31, 2022
Thank you also to those who have already contributed to the BTF Ukraine Relief Fund. If you haven’t already done so and want to help in this effort, the link is 
March 30, 2022
Newspaper article printed in Insider Magazine. It has also been sent to the Superintendent and Board of Education. << Read More >>
March 25, 2022
Negotiations/School Safety Funding/Ukraine, etc.
The attached motion was passed unanimously by the BTF Executive Committee and Council of DelegatesAfter our next negotiations session, which is scheduled for April 21, 2022 with the PERB... << Read More >>
March 21, 2022
Negotiations – 2022-2023 School Calendar – Ukraine Assistance
Attached is a copy of my correspondence to the Superintendent and Board in relation to the insulting and demeaning contract proposal it presented to us on Friday, March 18, 2022... << Read More >>
March 14, 2022
Updates – School Security, Negotiations, Ukraine, Retirement, SBF Delta Dental
Thank you to all who have responded to the BTF school safety concerns survey. We will be releasing the results on Tuesday or Wednesday with National implications... << Read More >>
March 4, 2022
Please click here to view a correspondence sent to Superintendent Williams and the Board of Education. Thank you.
March 3, 2022
Updates – Negotiations, Superintendent Change
Due to the uncertainty and change in the Superintendent, the negotiations scheduled for today and tomorrow were rescheduled. The Superintendent is in charge of and... << Read More >>
March 1, 2022
Mask Mandates
On February 14, 2022, we reported the results of the BTF survey of teachers on the “Mask Mandate in Buffalo Public Schools”. The results were as... << Read More >>
February 28, 2022
Variety Club Telethon and Read Across America
Attached is the flyer (Click Here) with information on both the Variety Club Telethon occurring this weekend March 5th & 6th and information on ways to celebrate Read Across.
February 25, 2022
McKinley Reminder
The BTF Council of Delegates passed the following motion: Moved that, as a showing of support for teachers, students, staff and parents at McKinley High School, teachers will wear orange or orange and black on Monday, February 28, 2022... << Read More >>
February 23, 2022
A Must Read
Please go to the following web address to get the whole story on what has happened at McKinley High... << Read More >>
February 17, 2022
Letter of Support
Please see the attached letter of support from the Monroe County Federation of Teachers (Click Here).
February 14, 2022
Survey Results - Mask Mandate in Buffalo Public Schools
Please click on the link below to view the results of the Mask Mandate in Buffalo Public School Survey. (Click Here).
February 11, 2022
Updates – School Security, Negotiations, Masks
We have heard that the mayor and others are taking issue with our decision calling for a New York State and Federal investigation of school safety in Buffalo. (Click Here).
February 2, 2022
Updates – School Security, Negotiations, Masks
As per our recent (January 25 and 19, 2022) “Updates”, our (NYSUT) and the District’s financial experts met with us to clarify each party’s analysis of the District’s finances. (Click Here).
January 25, 2022
As per our January 19, 2022 email, our financial analyst from NYSUT and the District’s Chief Financial Officer met with both teams and clarified... << Read More >>
January 20, 2022
The current school calendar includes four (4) “snow days”, days when students are not in attendance. Today does not count as a “snow day” as student instruction is taking place... << Read More >>
January 10, 2022
Health/Safety Concerns - Negotiations
Hopefully, your winter recess provided time to safely enjoy time with your family and friends. As we begin the new year, we do so with the commitment that we not only care about the education... << Read More >>
January 3, 2022
Safety Concerns/Negotiations
Hopefully, your winter recess provided time to safely enjoy time with your family and friends. As we begin the new year, we do so with the commitment that we not only care about the education... << Read More >>
December 17, 2022
Negotiations Update – School Safety
As per our last correspondence, we, and the District, have scheduled the following dates for negotiations: January 6, 11 (already scheduled with the mediator), 14, 20, 25, 26. We ... << Read More >>
December 13, 2021
Updates (Negotiations, City Hall Raises)
Since it has been difficult to schedule negotiating sessions with the mediator as a result of his schedule, we have decided to meet without him unless it becomes necessary... << Read More >>
December 9, 2021
Updates (Negotiations, COVID, School Violence, Pay Problems, Etc.)
The mediator has scheduled December 10, 2021 for a Conference call to clarify issues and schedule future meetings. He has December 30, 2021 and January 11, 2022... << Read More >>
November 29, 2021
Negotiations – School Health Safety – Technology – School Violence/Disruptive Behavior
We, as you, have just been informed that the District, without explanation, has ceased COVID testing in schools. We have emailed the Superintendent and Board for an explanation, one that should have been provided already... << Read More >>
November 16, 2021
Correspondence to Dr. Cash and Buffalo Boards of Education
Please click on the link to view a correspondence sent to Dr. Cash, Buffalo Boards of Education and Gale R. Burstein Regarding the Alarming Number of BPS COVID-19 Cases. << Read More >>
November 15, 2021
COVID-19 Survey Results - Concurrent/Simultaneous Negotiations
Thus far, 1647 teachers have responded to our BTF COVID-19 survey. The results are... << Read More >>
November 10, 2021
BTF Survey
Thank you to the 1,430 teachers who have already responded to our survey. If you haven’t already responded, please take time to complete it. << Read More >>
November 8, 2021
Some “Recent” Isolation and Quarantine Information from Erie County Health Department, New York State Health Department and CDC
Attached, please find copies of recent COVID-19 Isolation and Quarantine documents. As you know, some of these change daily as conditions change. << Read More >>
November 8, 2021
Updates – 11/08/2021
Thus far, 1242 teachers have already responded to our BTF COVID-19 Position Survey... << Read More >>
November 4, 2021
Important COVID-19 Survey of Teachers
To ensure that we have the most up-to-date assessment of your position on COVID-19 related issues, we ask you to complete the following BTF COVID-19 Survey. << For Survey Link, Please Refer to Email Sent on 11.4.21 >>
November 1, 2021
District Testing and COVID-19 Waiver
In response to our request for a legal opinion from our State Affiliate, NYSUT, relating to the District’s “COVID-19 Testing Form” we have received the attached response... << Read More >>
October 28, 2021
District Testing/Vaccine Mandate/Other Updates
Yes, there are differences relating to mandating vaccinations, masks, etc. There always will be differences. What Buffalo teachers and many other teachers have always done, is to attempt to, while disagreeing with one another, be open to discuss our differences without... << Read More >>
October 25, 2021
District’s Correspondence Mandating COVID-19 Testing – Demand to Negotiate Impact
Attached, please find a copy of our demand to negotiate the impact of the District’s Friday, October 22, 2021, “Requirement for COVID-19 Testing - With Opt-Out for Vaccinated” correspondence... << Read More >>
October 22, 2021
BTF -  PAC Endorsements Letter       << Click Here >>
October 21, 2021
2021 EARLY VOTING INFORMATION   << Click Here >>
October 18, 2021
COVID Booster/Updates
Although teachers have advised us that they are being denied four (4) hours of “paid leave” to obtain “booster shots”, we have advised the District that this is a violation... << Read More >>
October 14, 2021
Supplemental Benefit Fund
Thank you to the teachers who took the time to join us and the over 3,000 strikers and supporters... << Read More >>
October 8, 2021
Healthcare Workers – Webinar Series for Teachers
Thank you to the teachers who took the time to join us and the over 3,000 strikers and supporters... << Read More >>
October 6, 2021
Thankfully, all but the person who tested positive at BTF have tested negative. We are back at full strength. Thank you for understanding... << Read More >>
October 1, 2021
Support Our Healthcare Workers
September 29, 2021
On Tuesday, September 28, 2021, we and the District met with PERB mediator Gregory Poland. It was determined that it was important that... << Read More >>
September 21, 2021
Services for Edith LeWin (Edie) – Updates
Services for Edie will be held on Friday, September 24, 2021. Visitation will be from 9:00 am to 11:00 am at the Carlton A. Ullrich Funeral Home, Inc., 8630 Transit Road... << Read More >>
September 17, 2021
BTF Health and Safety Assessment / Simultaneous Update
Once again, thank you for taking time out of what has been a crazy opening. We know things have been changing daily... << Read More >>
September 13, 2021
We have confirmed that the next scheduled negotiations session will be on September 28, 2021. We will be reviewing the District’s “analysis” of salary... << Read More >>
September 10, 2021
Health Assessment/Updates 
Thank you to those who have already completed the BTF Health and Safety Assessment and to those who are in the process of completing the information as school proceeds and the opening problems begin to... << Read More >>
September 3, 2021
New (September 2, 2021) NYSDOH PreK-12 Guidance
Attached, please find a copy of the NYSDOH Pre-K–12 guidance. I have quickly underlined some parts. There are some parts that might have been missed so that a copy could be sent to you.... << Read More >>
September 3, 2021
We are still awaiting the District’s analysis of the cost of salary step removal (compression) so that we can have it analyzed and also for a date to continue negotiations.... << Read More >>
2020-2021 School Year
August 10, 2021
ttached, please find the results of the survey relating to vaccinations in the Buffalo Public Schools. Thank you for taking the time to complete the survey... << Read More >>
August 3, 2021
At our July 22, 2021 meeting with the mediator and District, we worked to clarify the tentative agreements we had made, asked... << Read More >>
July 15, 2021
Special Education Issues / Summer School
We are hearing concerns relating to illegal caseloads, autistic students inappropriately placed in regular classrooms, students without IEP’s, etc... << Read More >>
July 15, 2021
Summer School - Hourly Rate
There seems to be some confusion relating to the District’s attempt to raise some hourly rates this summer... << Read More >>
July 14, 2021
Summer 2021 Increase for Some Teachers
In order to increase teacher participation in summer school programs, the District wanted to have some teachers, who are receiving the hourly rate, receive 1/400 of their salary... << Read More >>
July 8, 2021
NYSUT Member Organizing Institute
NYSUT founded the Member Organizing Institute (MOI) in the summer of 2017, and they have been building our statewide network of member organizers to take a leading role in the campaign to promote our members’... << Read More >>
July 7, 2021
Transfers - District Refusal to Grant
Once again, the District is choosing the teachers who will or will not receive transfers to the schools of the teachers’ choice... << Read More >>
July 2, 2021
We are going into arbitration regarding teachers being required to meet with principals prior to being transferred to a school.... << Read More >>
June 25, 2021
We met with the mediator on Thursday, June 24, 2021 to clarify our respective positions and procedures. The next date he has available... << Read More >>
June 2021 President's Report
During the most difficult times many have ever faced and hope never to face again, you have shown a dedication to our students, one another and also an inner strength that, while profound, is not at all surprising … You are Buffalo teachers.... << Read More >>
June 21, 2021
June 15, 2021
June 14, 2021
The PERB Mediator has suggested June 24, 2021 as a date to resume negotiations. We have advised him that we have cleared our calendars and agree to that... << Read More >>
June 11, 2021
June 7, 2021
Mass Confusion – Never a Dull Moment / SBF Update
By now, you have heard that masks are still required in schools as per the most recent guidelines. Many have asked what caused the confusion... << Read More >>
June 1, 2021
We have been contacted by the PERB mediator who is working to clarify the positions of the BTF and District... << Read More >>
May 24, 2021
BTF Election Results – Sick and Personal Day Accuracy – School/Site Safety – Virtual Graduation – APPR – Ransomware Attack – Negotiations – Student Support
As most know, the BTF Election Results have been posted on the BTF website. We must now come together to overcome the many challenges ahead and as always, overcome every one of them. Let there be no doubt... << Read More >>
May 22, 2021
2021 BTF Officer and Executive Committee Election Results   << Click Here >>
May 20, 2021
Update – District Breach Resources, APPR Legislation
Here is a list of some resources that are available for you to check. They were supplied by NYSUT and will be added to as more are identified... << Read More >>
May 18, 2021
The latest correspondence from the District indicates that there is no change, at this time, in relation to the wearing of masks in the B.P.S... << Read More >>
May 17, 2021
Cyber Attack
As you know, the BTF sent correspondence to the District in relation to the lack of information relating to the cyber attack... << Read More >>
May 14, 2021
We are awaiting confirmation that the correspondence most teachers received relating to a company, Kroll, providing free services relating to the hack... << Read More >>
May 12, 2021
Transfers/”Conversations”, APPR/Evaluations
The arbitrator in a 1993 arbitration, Ronald Kowalski, stated (Note: He refers to a previous arbitration); “The District has argued that it was unable to honor the request... << Read More >>
May 11, 2021
Updates – School Safety, Negotiations, Class Size/Caseloads, Grievances, Transfers
While teachers have advised us that health and safety conditions and procedures have improved, we are still hearing of serious issues... << Read More >>
May 5, 2021
Updates – Lack of Paper Towels, Summer School, Safety/Health Conditions
Administrators have been advising teachers that there is a District-wide shortage of paper towels and that there is no District plan for... << Read More >>
May 3, 2021
Update – Positive News, Negotiations, BC/BS
At the NYSUT State Representative Assembly this weekend, the BTF received two (2) awards. Thank you to all those who participated in the projects... << Read More >>
April 29, 2021
BTF Action to Secure Cyberattack Information
The District has refused to provide answers to teachers and parents who have asked whether their personal information has been compromised/breached... << Read More >>
April 28, 2021
Negotiations Update
As per our last email, we met with the Public Employment Relations Board appointed mediator and three members of the District’s negotiating team on Monday, April 26, 2021... << Read More >>
April 23, 2021
Update, Negotiations, Reopening Plans/Site Based, Etc.
Our agreement with the PERB Mediator and District to put negotiations/mediation on hold expired on April 14, 2021. We then immediately contacted the mediator... << Read More >>
April 19, 2021
Updates, COVID-19, Negotiations, Etc.
Thank you for keeping us informed of the COVID-19 issues in your school/site. We are forwarding them to the Superintendent, Board, parent organizations and when necessary... << Read More >>
April 14, 2021
Administrator/District Non-Compliance with New York State Department of Health Guidance
We continue to hear of instances where the recent NYS Department of Health Guidance relating to the COVID-19 virus is not being followed... << Read More >>
April 12, 2021
New State Guidance/School Conditions
Attached, please find a copy of the new State “Interim Guidance for In-Person Instruction at Pre-K to Grade 12 Schools During the COVID-19... << Read More >>
April 1, 2021
Extremely Dangerous Report
Attached is the March 30, 2021 District Log of COVID-19 cases. On one day, seventeen (17) students and three (3) adults, were identified as testing positive for COVID... << Read More >>
March 30, 2021
COVID-19/Summer School?/Welcome Back Posters
We continue to check and be concerned with the Reports relating to COVID-19 cases reported in schools. You may view them at... << Read More >>
March 26, 2021
Retirement Seminar Reminder
The Buffalo Teachers Federation is offering its annual retirement seminar for all persons considering retirement... << Read More >>
March 23, 2021
Correspondence to Anne Botticelli and Dr. Kriner Cash
Please find recent correspondence sent to by the BTF: Correspondence to Anne Botticelli, Dr. Kriner Cash and the Buffalo Board of Education... << Read More >>
March 22, 2021
Important BTF School Health and Safety Assessment
Attached, please find a copy of the BTF School Health and Safety Assessment referred to in the recent correspondence to all teachers... << Read More >>
March 22, 2021
Reopening/Transfer Deadline Extension
We have and we will continue to work together to ensure that our schools are and remain safe. Yes, teachers want to be back with students... << Read More >>
March 18, 2021
Corr. to Superintendent and Board - Serious and Detrimental Harm to Students’ Education and Additional Safety and Health Issues
In response to teachers’ and some parents’ concerns, we provided a quick survey of teachers to determine the effectiveness of Concurrent Instruction and other similar... << Read More >>
March 16, 2021
Ransomware Attack/Travel/Vaccinations/School Calendar/Sanitization
Once again, please make sure that you do not open any unknown or suspicious emails. Also, if you use the same password(s) for non-District and District accounts... << Read More >>
March 15, 2021
Ransomware Attack/Other Updates
As you now know, our Friday email to you was correct. There was not just an interruption, but an attack on the District’s system... << Read More >>
March 12, 2021
Serious and Detrimental Harm to Students’ Education/Additional Safety and Health Issues
Teachers are very concerned with the serious and detrimental harm that the District directive requiring concurrent teaching is having on... << Read More >>
March 12, 2021
Some believe that the District’s system has been hacked causing the problems you have been encountering. Just in case, if you receive correspondence... << Read More >>
March 9, 2021
Court/Vaccine Update
We met with Judge Colaiacovo, who, as you know, ruled against our motion to close the schools until an arbitrator could decide if our contract... << Read More >>
March 9, 2021
March 9, 2021 Updates
We do not anticipate that Judge Emilio Colaiacovo will reverse his decision to deny our motion to keep schools closed until our safe and healthful grievance... << Read More >>
March 3, 2021
Updates March 3, 2021
Thank you to the thirteen (13) schools that have, in a short time, returned the post February Recess, BTF Health and Safety Assessment. They will be forwarded (without names) to the District... << Read More >>
March 1, 2021
BTF Calls For Halt of Grades 3-8 Standardized Testing During Pandemic
The Buffalo Teachers Federation’s Council of Delegates (building representatives from all schools),unanimously adopted a resolution that would have the BTF work with parents and other organizations... << Read More >>
February 23, 2021
Unconscionable Denial of Accommodations
Your “Human” Resources Department has refused accommodations, not only for teachers, who in good conscience should be allowed to receive them, but also those... << Read More >>
February 22, 2021
Post Recess Updates
Our actions including, but not limited to, the BTF Health and Safety Assessment, correspondence to the Superintendent and Board, court action, and grievances have but one purpose... << Read More >>
February 12, 2021
Pre-Recess Updates
Some teachers have been advised that they can not take a personal day after the mid-winter recess. They have to take an unpaid leave... << Read More >>
February 11, 2021
Court Update/Other Issues
We have just received notice that Judge Emilio Colaiacovo has denied our motion for a preliminary injunction to prevent the District from requiring... << Read More >>
February 10, 2021
Variety Club Telethon and Read Across America
For information on the Variety Club Telethon and Read Across America, please Click Here.
February 9, 2021
As of today, February 9, 2021 at 4:30, we have received no notification of a decision.We remain concerned with the number of COVID-19 cases reported in our schools, the delay in notifying parents and staff of cases and the accuracy of some reports (websites).. << Read More >>
February 5, 2021
Court Update
The hearing today went from 9:30 am to 5:15 pm. Our attorneys did a great job. We are now awaiting the judge's decision. Stay Tuned.
February 4, 2021
Reminder - Important Short BTF All Teacher Survey
Please complete and encourage your colleagues to complete, the attached all teacher survey.... << Read More >>
February 3, 2021
Press Release
Please click on the link to view a Press Release sent out by Phil Rumore.... << Read More >>
February 2, 2021
We are preparing for the hearing on Friday to determine whether Judge Colaiacovo will approve our motion to keep schools closed... << Read More >>
February 1, 2021
Court Hearing
While Judge Emilio Colaiacovo denied or request for an immediate Temporary Restraining Order, he did issue a decision that there will be a full hearing on Friday, February 5, 2021 to determine... << Read More >>
January 31, 2021
Reopening Unhealthy/Unsafe Conditions
Since we do not have a judge assigned or a court date, and teachers will be reporting, please advise us of any unhealthy and unsafe conditions in your building/site... << Read More >>
January 30, 2021
BTF Court Case/Reopening Caution
Please find copies of the court documents filed and developed by NYSUT attorneys in Albany and New York City... << Read More >>
January 29, 2021
Important Short BTF All Teacher Survey
Please complete and encourage your colleagues to complete, the attached all teacher survey... << Read More >>
January 28, 2021
Re-Opening Updates
Legal action will be taken to prevent the unsafe opening of schools on Monday, February 1, 2021. NYSUT has assigned two attorneys and has been working with our staff... << Read More >>
January 27, 2021
The form that we have seen asking teachers if they are willing to be tested indicated that it is voluntary and can be rescinded. If you are advised... << Read More >>
January 22, 2021
Updated BTF Health and Safety Assessment Resolution Passed By Council of Delegates
In an effort to inform you of health and safety concerns raised by teachers, so that they can be corrected to ensure the safe return of students and staff to the schools/sites, enclosed... << Click Here >>
January 21, 2021
FYI - District Q&A
Please click on the links inclosed to view copies of the FAQ's and Q&A's from the District regarding the February 1, 2021 Re-Opening.... << Click Here >>
January 19, 2021
School Reopening Update
The following schools/sites have submitted a BTF School/Site Health and Safety Assessment. The completed assessment for each school was included in our last email to all teachers... << Click Here >>
January 15, 2021
Latest Correspondence to Dr. Kriner Cash and Board of Education
Attached, please find a copy of a correspondence sent to the Superintendent and members of the Board regarding the Disturbing Safety and Health Issues at Schools/Sites.... << Click Here >>
January 14, 2021
Latest Correspondence to Dr. Kriner Cash and Board of Education
Under our contract, law and regulations, teachers who have been required to reapply for an accommodation may have a union representative attend any District meeting at which their.... << Read More >>
January 13, 2021
Latest Correspondence to Dr. Kriner Cash and Board of Education
Attached, please find a copy of a correspondence sent to the Superintendent and members of the Board.... << Click Here >>
January 11, 2021
Vaccinations, Etc
In response to inquires relating to the document from the Erie County Department of Health, the BTF is not a healthcare provider, nor do we have the medical... << Read More >>
January 7, 2021
Press Release
Please see the most recent Press Release sent out by Phil Rumore. << Clicking Here >>.
January 4, 2021
As we embark together on a new and challenging year, I wanted to thank you for all that you are and have been doing for our students, staff and community... << Read More >>

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