Memo To: All Buffalo Teachers
From: Philip Rumore, President, BTF
Date: August 12, 2020
Subject: Urgent Teacher Concerns
You are amazing – not surprising but you are. Three thousand, one hundred and fifty-five (3,155) Buffalo teachers responded to our survey!
That’s 86% of those for whom we have an email address!!
You sent a message!! We will not be silent! We are united!
Attached, (Click Here) please find a copy of the correspondence sent to the Superintendent, Board, and Reopening Committee delineating the urgent concerns you sent to us.
Hopefully, I have included all of your concerns. Thank you, for the hundreds who took the time to respond.
If I missed some, please forward them as we will continue to send them to the District (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).
We are preparing a resolution calling for virtual instruction until such time as teachers, parents, and staff have approved a reopening plan as being safe for teachers, students, parents, school staff and the community and are also educationally sound for our students.