News, Alerts & Events

Preparing for Retirement

To assist you, the BTF has prepared the handbook below which contains information of importance for teachers contemplating retirement. Sample retirement letters are included in this handbook.


Provisions in the BTF contract provide a retirement incentive for teachers whose applications for this negotiated benefit are filed at ages 55-57 and also termination compensation for a percentage of their accumulated sick leave.


The retirement incentive not only enables teachers to receive a substantial bonus but may, under circumstances described herein, also provide an opportunity to increase your monthly retirement allowance. Retiring teachers are entitled to termination compensation for a percentage of their accumulated sick leave. This compensation may also raise your retirement allowance. Information on both of those contractual benefits is covered within the handbook.


This information is not intended to encompass all aspects of the New York State Teachers’ Retirement System or the laws and regulations that govern it. Rather, it addresses many of the concerns and questions members have about membership and benefits. You may obtain more detailed information by reviewing the information below or by contacting the TRS. (1-800-348-7298).


Buffalo Teachers Federation - Retirement and Your Master Contract - March 2024
An analysis of benefits available to retiring teachers under the BTF Master Contract with answers to FAQ by teachers contemplating retirement.


New York State Teachers’ Retirement System
The NYSTRS has a wealth of information for those already in retirement and for current members getting ready to retire.


NYSTRS Retirement Checklist
This is a good place to start if you’re thinking about retirement in the near future. This checklist can also be found by navigating through the NYSTRS website.


Countdown to Retirement Pamphlet
Here is another good resource from the NYSTRS website.


NYSUT Retirees Page can also be a valuable resource.

Important Information

  • The Annual Professional Performance Review (APPR) Information 

    The APPR is a process by which teachers are evaluated in NYS. The intent of APPR is to assist educators to improve the quality of instruction in schools and to improve students' performance for colleges and careers. District APPR plans must meet strict state guidelines and be negotiated with local unions. Under state guidelines, APPR takes into account classroom observations and student performance. Teachers across NYS receive an overall effectiveness rating every year.


    APPR is complex and can often be overwhelming.  Click here to keep up to date on all the current APPR information.

  • Opt-Out Information 

    Teachers and parents share deep concerns about the standardized tests used by NYS for accountability purposes that include; stress on students, in-appropriateness and lack of validity of the Common Core-aligned tests, loss of learning time, and lack of transparency on state test content. Parents who decide it is not in their children’s best interests to take these assessments are part of an “Opt-Out” movement. BTF fully supports parents’ right to choose what is best for their children.


    Click here to keep up to date on the "Opt-Out" movement and other information.

  • COVID-19 Information

    For our members, BTF has collected COVID-19 resources from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, World Health Organization, as well as our affiliates, NYSUT, the American Federation of Teachers and the National Education Association. Together we must, and will, be proactive to ensure that Coronavirus does not infect and spread to our students, staff and community.
    Click here to view recent information and writen correspondence. The BTF will post more information as it becomes available.

Buffalo Teachers Federation

 officers 2023
The Buffalo Teachers Federation is the professional union that represents over 3800 contract, probationary and temporary teachers of the Buffalo Public Schools.

 The BTF is proud to be a member of New York State United Teachers and affiliated nationally with the National Education Association and American Federation of Teachers.
 We invite you to explore our website for information and resources specifically for our members and retirees.


 May 2024
 15   Executive Committee Meeting
 21   Council of Delegate Meeting             
 27   Memorial Day (BTF Office Closed)
 June 2024
 11   Executive Committee Meeting
 11   Council of Delegate Meeting             
 19   Juneteenth (BTF Office Closed)        

Office Information

Mailing Address:
Buffalo Teachers Federation
271 Porter Avenue
Buffalo, New York 14201
Phone: 716-881-5400
Supplemental Benefit Fund:
Phone: 716-881-5462
Fax:     716-881-0580
Hours of Operation:
Monday to Friday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Guests Online

We have 279 guests and no members online

        Did your home address, email address or phone number change? Please let us know!                           Update Here