Preparing for Retirement
To assist you, the BTF has prepared the handbook below which contains information of importance for teachers contemplating retirement. Sample retirement letters are included in this handbook.
Provisions in the BTF contract provide a retirement incentive for teachers whose applications for this negotiated benefit are filed at ages 55-57 and also termination compensation for a percentage of their accumulated sick leave.
The retirement incentive not only enables teachers to receive a substantial bonus but may, under circumstances described herein, also provide an opportunity to increase your monthly retirement allowance. Retiring teachers are entitled to termination compensation for a percentage of their accumulated sick leave. This compensation may also raise your retirement allowance. Information on both of those contractual benefits is covered within the handbook.
This information is not intended to encompass all aspects of the New York State Teachers’ Retirement System or the laws and regulations that govern it. Rather, it addresses many of the concerns and questions members have about membership and benefits. You may obtain more detailed information by reviewing the information below or by contacting the TRS. (1-800-348-7298).
Buffalo Teachers Federation - Retirement and Your Master Contract - March 2025
An analysis of benefits available to retiring teachers under the BTF Master Contract with answers to FAQ by teachers contemplating retirement.
New York State Teachers’ Retirement System
The NYSTRS has a wealth of information for those already in retirement and for current members getting ready to retire.
NYSTRS Retirement Checklist
This is a good place to start if you’re thinking about retirement in the near future. This checklist can also be found by navigating through the NYSTRS website.
Countdown to Retirement Pamphlet
Here is another good resource from the NYSTRS website.
NYSUT Retirees Page can also be a valuable resource.