Death Benefits

Please find information for the Buffalo Teachers Federation Supplemental Benefit Fund Death Benefits below. If you have any questions, please contact the BTF Office at (716) 881-5462.

The Buffalo Teachers Federation Supplemental Benefit Fund has a small, $2,000.00, death benefit, which it pays to the designated beneficiary of any Buffalo teacher who dies while still on the Buffalo Board of Education payroll.


Please complete the green enrollment card and mail or bring it to the BTF/SBF office at 271 Porter Avenue. It is most important that you include the Social Security numbers of each designated beneficiary.


Without the completed Death Benefit enrollment card on file, the $2,000.00 death benefit must be paid to the teacher's estate. This can lengthen the time it takes for this money to reach a loved one.


If you have any questions or would like to check who you have designated as your beneficiary, please contact the SBF Office at (716) 881-5462.