PAC Endorsement Process

Please find information relating to the PAC Endorsement Process below.


Candidates who wish to be considered for BTF endorsement must:

  • Request an endorsement in writing, via U.S. mail to the address below or by email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Buffalo Teachers Federation
Attention: President Richard Nigro
271 Porter Avenue
Buffalo New York 14201

  • Submit to an in-person interview with the Political Action Committee (PAC)

Candidates whom BTF considers for endorsement:

  • Public offices that directly impact the city of Buffalo, N.Y. (e.g., Buffalo School Board, Buffalo Common Council, Buffalo Mayor, NYS Assembly and Senate, etc.)
  • Buffalo Teachers Federation members/immediate family members running for offices outside the city
  • New York State United Teachers (NYSUT) members in the Western New York area running for offices where our BTF members may reside

We will inform our members of and support relevant endorsements (e.g., NYS Governor, U.S. Senate, U.S. President and Vice-Presidential races) made by our state and national affiliates. BTF also reserves the right to support candidates not endorsed by our national and state affiliates in unusual circumstances, and also to refrain from supporting candidates endorsed by our affiliates.

Deadlines for 2025 endorsement requests:

  • June primary election: letters must be received no later than February 28th
  • November general election: letters must be received no later than July 31st
  • School Board elections: letters must be received no later than May 30th

Once the request has been received, our PAC will contact you to schedule your interview.

The process is as follows:

  1. Interview with the PAC
  2. PAC makes a recommendation to the Executive Committee
  3. Executive Committee makes a recommendation to the Council of Delegates
  4. Council of Delegates votes on the endorsement
  5. Results shared with candidates following the Council vote
  6. Endorsements made by the BTF will be shared with our active teachers and retirees