Memo To: All Buffalo Teachers
From: Philip Rumore, President, BTF
Date: February 12, 2021
Subject: Pre-Recess Updates
Another District Attack
Some teachers have been advised that they can not take a personal day after the mid-winter recess. They have to take an unpaid leave.
In addition to this being typically vindictive, it is a clear violation of our contract as per our last email.
And no, you do not have to provide a reason unless it is on “the day before or the day after a holiday”.
And you do not have to give forty-eight hours notice before using a personal day.
Once again:
Personal Days (See Article XXIX, A, pages 79-80):
In short:
A. Five (5) days for “observance of traditional and customary religious holidays” and “urgent personal business which cannot be performed during non-school hours subject to the following conditions:”
1) converted to “the teacher’s sick leave accumulation on July 1st”.
2) “may not be taken on the day before or the day after a holiday unless a request, specifying the reason, is made and approved.”
3) “For days other than those specified above, the teacher shall sign a statement certifying that such personal leave is being taken to conduct urgent personal business which cannot be performed during non-school hours.”
In other words, you are not required to give a reason unless the day(s) are the day before or the day after a holiday.
5) “Whenever possible, advance notice of forty-eight (48) hours shall be given before the use of a personal day.”
If denied, advise us. It will be grieved and we will win.
Substitute Teachers
In response to the District’s (Human Resources’) claim that there are 800+ substitute teachers available, the following correspondence was sent to the Superintendent and Board. (Click Here).
The District Log of COVID-19 Cases
In response to questions, the link for the daily log is
I-Prep and MST were added today. MST, 1 Staff and I-Prep, 2 Staff.
Also, see today’s Press Release. (Click Here)
Please try and get some very well deserved rest. You deserve that and more for all that you are going through and what you are doing for your students.
Stay well. Take no chances.