Memo To: All Buffalo Teachers
From: Philip Rumore, President, BTF
Date: April 23, 2021
Subject: Updates, COVID-19, Negotiations, Etc.
Our agreement with the PERB Mediator and District to put negotiations/mediation on hold expired on April 14, 2021.
We then immediately contacted the mediator and District advising them that we were prepared to resume negations as soon as the mediator’s schedule permitted.
The meeting will be on Monday, April 26, 2021. At that time, we, with the mediator’s assistance, will determine where we left off, future meetings, agendas, etc.
The mediator will be determining the process.
The Council of Delegates was briefed on some of the issues, e.g. proposals, funding, etc.
We will keep you updated as advised by the mediator.
With your continued solidarity and support, we will continue to fight for a contract that is not just comparable to those in surrounding districts, but superior to them.
Stay tuned.
Administrators Subverting SBMTs
Once again, some administrators are attempting to subvert the authority of the School Based Management Teams (SBMTs). We have sent correspondence to the District Committee of Stakeholders, the Committee charged with overseeing and implementing the “District Plan for School Based Planning and Shared Decision Making”. (Click Here)
The parents and others share our concern that in too many instances they are cut out of decision making.
We will be meeting with them to ensure that all share in the decisions.
Enclosed, please find a copy of the email sent to all teachers on November 10, 2020, where important information relating to SBMTs is delineated. See “School Reopening Plans” (Click Here)
As you know, every October or November we have had a two (2) day leadership workshop for Delegates, Alternates, Building Committee members and teachers who wish to attend. Obviously, one was not held this past year.
However, each attendee is given a very large binder with many important documents for use in their school.
In it is a copy of the Site Based Document approved by the Board, which I review with all participants each year.
If someone in your building has attended one of the workshops, you might want to ask them to let you review it, as it has much information in it. Some leave a copy in the faculty room.
Just in case there isn’t one available, attached is a complete copy of the approved District plan (Click Here). If you have any questions, please call. It has also been posted to the BTF website (Click Here).
We will continue to work with parents and others to ensure that decisions are made by the SBMTs, as required by the document. Feel free to share the document with your administrator(s).
Daily Health Screener “Forms”
We have received concerns that some administrators are developing their own Health Screening “Forms” and some go beyond what is required.
We are in the process of checking with our attorneys to determine what can/cannot be required, confidentiality, etc.
We will be advising the District that there should be an agreed uniform “form” with guaranteed confidentiality that complies with the laws and regulations.
Once we receive answers from our attorneys, we will forward our correspondence to the District relating this to you.
School Calendar
The Board has approved the 2021-2022 school calendar we approved (Click Here).
In addition, this year, June 18, 2021 will be considered a holiday (Juneteenth).
School Safety
We continue to fight to ensure that our schools are and remain safe. Enclosed, please find a copy of correspondence sent to Erie County Executive Mark C. Poloncarz, Dr. Gale R. Burstein and Superintendent Dr. Cash. (Click Here)
Thank you for keeping us informed of incidents of confirmed cases of COVID-19 that do not appear on the District’s website. (Click Here)
BTF Welcome Back Posters
Some teachers have requested additional BTF “Welcome Back Posters” for their rooms and school/site.
We have additional ones available.
Please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with the number of smaller (classroom) and larger (school) posters you would like. We will send them in the pony.
Council of Delegates Building Elections
Next week we will circulate a By-Law change that will permit the option of holding building elections either in person or via email (Election Buddy).
Unemployment Fraud
In addition to the information sent to you by the District relating to unemployment fraud perpetrated against Board employees, the following was forwarded to us by one of our NYSTRS delegates. (Click Here)
Please stay well, take no chances.