Memo To:   All Buffalo Teachers

From:         Philip Rumore, President, BTF

Date:          September 10, 2021


Subject:     Health Assessment/Updates

BTF Health/Safety Assessment
Thank you to those who have already completed the BTF Health and Safety Assessment and to those who are in the process of completing the information as school proceeds and the opening problems begin to be overcome. (BTF School/Site Heath and Safety Assessment -


It has been very difficult; however, as always, Buffalo teachers find a way to pull together to overcome obstacles.


You are the best… no, the very best.


Please report any serious issues to your LRS (Click Here) and This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. as soon as possible.

While Buffalo teachers overwhelmingly support vaccinations and testing, we realize that some, for medical and other serious reasons, have declined one or both.


As with any such issue, if you are directed to take an action for which you have concerns:

  • Contact your LRS (Click Here).
  • Advise the administrator(s) in writing (email) of the reasons for which you believe you should be exempt from said directive.
  • Keep a copy of your correspondence and any response from the administrator(s).
  • Send copies of all correspondence to your LRS.


September 16, 2021, was tentatively scheduled by the mediator; however, the District’s lead negotiator will be out of town on that date.


The mediator is working to determine another date that works for both parties.


Neither we, nor the mediator, have received the requested salary compression (step decrease) cost analysis the District stated it had done. I wonder why?


As per the President’s Report, salary compression, as are salary increases, are critical issues, and no, we will not agree to the removal of healthcare for retirees.


In September, the District is required to submit what is called an ST-3 to NYSED. The ST-3 provides a complete documentation of the District’s financial and staffing statistics. This will be added to the analysis with which NYSUT has already provided us.


We will not rush into a new contract for the sake of just getting it done.


We will continue to fight for a contract that reflects your tremendous dedication to our students, parents, community and one another.


And yes, it will be retroactive.


Stay Tuned.

Concurrent/Simultaneous Non-Instruction
As per the Taylor Law, we have filed a demand to negotiate the impact of not only what is being called concurrent (simultaneous) instruction (non-instruction), but also synchronous/non-synchronous instruction, e.g. being voluntary, class size/load, additional staff in room, reasons for inclusion, emergency only (limited time), training, equipment, procedure for inclusion, etc.


We have also filed a grievance and are looking at other legal avenues.

Three Feet/Six Feet
There is great confusion as to how three (3) and six (6) feet are measured. We have contacted NYSUT, our State affiliate, who is working to secure answers (if there are any!).


We are also checking on some schools apparently having students facing each other unmasked at lunch tables.


Please advise your LRS if this is occurring at your school/site.

More Safety Concerns
Teachers are reporting that some administrators, students and staff are walking through the halls without or with incorrectly placed masks.


This obviously risks the spread of the virus.


Please ensure that this does not occur. If it continues, notify your LRS.


We can’t take any chances. All it takes is one person to unknowingly spread the virus to others causing great harm.


Please stay well. Take no chances.



