Memo To:    All Buffalo Teachers

From:          Philip Rumore, President, BTF

Date:           March 25, 2022


Subject:     Negotiations/School Safety Funding/Ukraine, etc.

The attached motion was passed unanimously by the BTF Executive Committee and Council of Delegates (Click Here).


After our next negotiations session, which is scheduled for April 21, 2022 with the PERB mediator, we will advise you of any response to the resolution. It was sent to the Superintendent and Board.


The mediator has also held April 28, 2022 as a date for negotiations.


Once again, the procedure for ratification of a new contract that was approved by the Council of Delegates is as follows.


The statement below will be made by the meeting chair prior to a ratification vote.


“All those Opposed to Proceeding Today with a Vote for or Against Ratification of the Proposed Contract Settlement.’ If the Membership Does not Vote for Ratification at the Meeting, a New Agreed-Upon Date will be Set for a Ratification Meeting.”


When a date is scheduled, prior to the meeting, we will provide an overview of the details and voting procedures that are used at our meetings, e.g. Robert’s Rules of Order.


We are also developing actions, if necessary, in addition to rallies before Board meetings, e.g. letters/emails, phone calls, picketing Board members’ houses, etc.


Stay Tuned.



School Safety
The following motion was passed unanimously by the BTF Executive Committee and Council of Delegates.


WHEREAS: Violence, anger and disruptive behaviors are harmfully infecting our students/children, and

WHEREAS: It is critical that we realize that the resulting and too-often fatal incidents in our schools and on our school grounds are occurring across the United States, and

WHEREAS: This is a National Crisis involving the well-being of our children that must immediately be addressed by the President and Congress of the United States as well as other relevant agencies.

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: That the BTF will take the following action(s):

  • Seek through correspondence, email, petitioning and other appropriate methods, the support of NYSUT, NEA, AFT, our State and Federal legislators, and all other critical people and organizations, to ensure safety in our schools (which extends into the communities) for the following:
    • Earmarked Federal funding for school counselors, school psychologists, school social workers, school attendance teachers, etc. with a defined caseload, e.g. 120/1.
    • Earmarked Federal funding to provide sufficient security personnel who will also be trained to gain the confidence of students to relate any concerns.
    • Earmarked Federal funding for community organizations that have experience working with students to prevent acts of violence and disruption.
    • Earmarked Federal funding to provide metal detectors for any District /School that needs them, without taking away from students’ other educational needs/programs.
    • De-escalating techniques for all staff and parents.
    • Other critical school security needs identified by a school district.

Moved: Philip Rumore

Second: Rebecca Pordum

Thank you to those who have already contributed to the BTF Ukraine Relief Fund. If you haven’t already done so, the link is


We have finally begun to receive the Ukraine “stick on” flags. They will be sent out next week.


NOTE: The BTF Council of Delegates has authorized a $5,000 donation out of our reserves. (We have substantial reserves)


Other Issues
Please continue to send safety and new payroll issues to your LRS and This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


We have filed a grievance on the new payroll procedures and will bring it and other issues to the Superintendent.


She has been very responsive and has accomplished much already in her short time as Interim Superintendent.


We look forward to developing an excellent working relationship with her.




