Press Release
For Immediate Release
February 3, 2021


The Buffalo Teachers Federation, today, called upon the Buffalo School District to, as do other school districts, provide a daily COVID-19 incident report to all parents and staff in the District.


“For too long the District and others have been saying that schools in surrounding districts are open for in person instruction without incident, why not Buffalo?


They are also saying the incidents of COVID-19 spread are low in Buffalo.


Both statements are misleading and dangerous”,stated Phil Rumore, President of the Buffalo Teachers Federation.


The BTF today releases copies of surrounding district COVID-19 reports that are sent to all parents in three surrounding districts, Kenmore Tonawanda, Orchard Park, and Williamsville.

  • Williamsville Central School District

From January 25, 2021 - February 2, 2021 (Click Here)

Total Cases – 41 


  • Orchard Park Central School District

From January 19, 2021 - February 1, 2021 (Click Here)

Total Cases – 25


  • Kenmore-Tonawanda Union Free School District

From January 19, 2021 - February 2, 2021 (Click Here)

Total Cases – at least40 (See Kenmore Tonawanda School Footnote)


There were at least 106 reported COVID-19 cases reported in just three (3) of the 27surrounding school districts from January 19, 2021 - February 2, 2021.

“That just between January19, 2021 and February 2, 2021 (two weeks) there have been 106COVID-19 cases in three (3) of the twenty-seven (27) surrounding school districts that have gone unreported in the media and is generally not known, is cause for great concern.


These cases are in school districts that have more modern schools, less difficult student transportation issues and where the community has greater access to healthcare.


Although we do not know all the particulars, there are what must be considered unacceptably high incidents of COVID-19 cases.


Yet, there are calls for Buffalo students, many of whom will have few of the same conditions,to return because the surrounding districts are doing so;thereby,risking their and other’s lives.


This is wrong and dangerous. Buffalo teachers very much want to be back with their students; however,we want to ensure that students, their parents, staff, themselves and community are safe.” concluded Phil Rumore, BTF President.


The BTF therefore calls for the Buffalo Public School District:

  • To end its refusal to allow an independent hygienist,that the BTF is willing to reimburse, to examine all Buffalo schools/sites to determine their safety.
  • That until such examination/testing is done,in person instruction and all staff attendance be suspended.
  • To immediately institute a procedure to report all incidents of COVID-19 issues to all district parents and staff.
  • To continually monitor the safety of its buildings.
  • To, as has been requested for several months, answer, in writing, teacher concerns provided to the District.


